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The first Probus club for seniors in North America was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Galt in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada Mar 17th in 1987
Each Probus Club is autonomous. The club endeavours to be simple in structure, be free of the constraints and obligations of service clubs and involve members in a minimal cost.
The club is directed primarily to providing fellowship between members who are compatible with each other, and the opportunity for development of acquaintance.
2019-2022 Men’s Probus Executive Team
L to R Top Row. Robert Ball, John Richardson, Bob Axon, John Carley, Peter Harrison, Ian Clark, Richard Olson, VP Bill Weir, Peter Boleszczuk, Phil Thorne
Bottom Row. Ken Shrubsall, Pres. Jerry Klages, Past Pres. Dave King, Rob Bryant, Dave Hay, missing 2nd VP Al Driedger
1990-2022 Men’s Probus Executive Team
L to R Doug Puddicombe (2013-2014) Jerry Sokalski (2009-2010) Larry Legallais (2014-2015) Dave Clowes (2011-2012) Bob Axon (2016-2017) Naif Shaheen (founder 1990-1991) Art Jones (2015-2016) Roy Vardy (2008-2009) Phil Thorne (2017-2018) Jerry Klages (2019-2020)
Our 26th President Larry Gaillais and Probus Rep
Our first President Of Men’s Probus (1990 - 1991) speaks at the 25th
Anniversary at Rosehill.
Charter members 1990 - 1991: (left to right)
Naif Shaheen ,Tom Sneyd , Ken Riehl, Art Robar, Bill Budd , ? & Ed Gloin
Copyright © 2018 Woodstock Probus - All Rights Reserved. This directory is COPYRIGHT, is only for use of Probus members and can NOT be used for business purposes or as a commercial mailing list. It should not be made available to anyone else to use for commercial purposes UNLESS PERMISSION IS GIVEN IN WRITING BY PROBUS CENTRE - CANADA, INC. PROBUS is a registered Trademark of PROBUS CENTRE - CANADA, INC.
Webmaster: Christine Hannon