Men's Club -Woodstock Legion Hall
2nd tues. of every month 9:30am.
Women's Club - South Gate Centre.
3rd Wed. of every month Sept-June 10:00am
Woodstock Ont. Canada
Entering Woodstock from the West
Our Presidents
President 2024-25
Sponsor Rotary Woodstock-Oxford, District 7080
President 2024-25
President -Arie Markvoort
One of my memories as a child was when we visited the Canadian cemetery close to my hometown of Holten in the Netherlands. It made a lasting impression on me seeing all those graves, especially the young age of most of them.
When I now see demonstrations and people yelling, “We want freedom”, I wonder what fr
President -Arie Markvoort
One of my memories as a child was when we visited the Canadian cemetery close to my hometown of Holten in the Netherlands. It made a lasting impression on me seeing all those graves, especially the young age of most of them.
When I now see demonstrations and people yelling, “We want freedom”, I wonder what freedom they are looking for? I am thankful for the freedoms I have as a Canadian and
when we grumble about our circumstances, we should look at how we compare to most of the world.
Enjoy attending our Probus meetings and , if you have any questions please contact us at 519 421-0806.
President 2024-25
Sponsor Rotary Woodstock-Oxford, District 7080
President 2024-25
President - Judith Gillatt
I was born in England in the 1950s. When I finished my education, I joined the ambulance service which was very exciting as I was one of the first females to be accepted on to the service. That is where I met my husband Ron and we have been married 50 years in September. We have one son Roger.
Ron and I emigrated
President - Judith Gillatt
I was born in England in the 1950s. When I finished my education, I joined the ambulance service which was very exciting as I was one of the first females to be accepted on to the service. That is where I met my husband Ron and we have been married 50 years in September. We have one son Roger.
Ron and I emigrated to Canada I March 2001. Roger was living in Australia at the time. I have had a wonderful life here being involved with many different organizations.
I joined Probus in 2022 and so enjoy the overall friendliness and acceptance of the group. I am looking forward to being President for 2024/25 and meeting some more new faces.
Sponsor Rotary Woodstock-Oxford, District 7080
Sponsor Rotary Woodstock-Oxford, District 7080
Sponsor Rotary Woodstock-Oxford, District 7080
Probus clubs are organizations for men and women who have retired from their profession or business and want to maintain a social network with others who have similar interests * each club is sponsored by a Rotary club and meet at least once a month for fellowship and to hear guest speakers * there are over 300,000 members in approximate
Probus clubs are organizations for men and women who have retired from their profession or business and want to maintain a social network with others who have similar interests * each club is sponsored by a Rotary club and meet at least once a month for fellowship and to hear guest speakers * there are over 300,000 members in approximately 4,000 Probus clubs worldwide .
Women's Club
Probus Clubs are non-political, non-profit and non-fund raising. We are an active group of about 100 women who as the word Pro (fessional) Bus (iness). indicates, are a combination of retired business and professional women. Membership is not restricted to these groups but embraces former executives of government or organizations in which anyone has had a measure of responsibility.
Fees are set by the local club. We encourage women to attend as a guest for the first time and then hopefully will be excited about becoming a member following your visit.
Woodstock-Oxford Women’s Probus Club began in 1995 and as we enter another decade we ask you to consider joining with us to share in the rewards of being a member of Probus. We look forward to meeting you.